Overcoming Unjust Accusations and the Resulting Emotions

Learn how to healthily cope with and overcome the anger, bitterness, and depression that often accompany false accusations, without losing faith in justice.

U Visa : The Value of Psychological Evaluation in Crime Victim Cases

Learn how a psychological evaluation helps immigrant crime victims qualify for a U visa. Get tips on choosing a qualified psychologist and utilizing their report as key evidence to advance your immigration case.

How a Psychological Evaluation Can Help Your Asylum Case

Are you seeking asylum in the United States? A psychological evaluation can help you document the effects of persecution or trauma, assess your mental health, and establish your credibility. Learn more about the advantages of psychological evaluations for asylum cases and read two real examples of how they have helped...

VAWA Visas and Toxic Relationships

Discover how VAWA visas serve as a lifeline for survivors of toxic relationships. Learn how these visas empower individuals to break free from abuse and find safety. Explore the benefits and protections offered, and gain insights into navigating the legal process.

Understanding and Proving “Extreme Hardship” in an Immigration Case

Learn how to prove "extreme hardship" in an immigration case with our comprehensive guide. Discover key factors, strategies, and documentation techniques to present a compelling case for relief from deportation or immigration benefits. Expert advice and insights provided by Dr. Benejam Psyd, ensuring you understand the complexities and increase your...

The Devastation of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence has a deep and lasting impact on society, not just individuals. The ripple effects of domestic violence can be far-reaching, affecting the mental and physical health of victims, their families, and their communities. Domestic violence is not just physical abuse; it includes emotional, sexual, financial, and psychological abuse.