MIAMI LOCATION: 2730 SW 3rd. Ave. Suite 703 Miami, FL 33129
BOCA RATON LOCATION: 7000 W Palmetto Park Rd Suite 210, Boca Raton, FL
Phone: (561) 376-9699 / (305) 981-6434
MIAMI LOCATION: 2730 SW 3rd. Ave. Suite 703 Miami, FL 33129
BOCA RATON LOCATION: 7000 W Palmetto Park Rd Suite 210, Boca Raton, FL
Phone: (561) 376-9699 / (305) 981-6434
2730 SW 3rd. Ave. Suite 703 Miami, FL 33129
7000 W Palmetto Park Rd Suite 210, Boca Raton, FL
Phone: (561) 376-9699 / (305) 981-6434
Have you ever experienced anxiety? Do you feel drained, not being able to overcome this feeling? Do you over worry, or think too much about a situation with a sense of danger or doom, or with a negative outcome? Are you having problems concentrating, sleeping, controlling worry, and not being able to stop intrusive thoughts of worry? Do some of the symptoms you’re experiencing include sweating, trembling, increased heart rate, feeling weak and tired, and experiencing GI (gastrointestinal) problems? Have you experienced getting more colds than usual or sensed your health deteriorating as a result of your stress and anxiety?
Anxiety and stress can be experienced gradually over time or they can just happen suddenly. In either case, anxiety disrupts your life and your ability to focus and perform to your full potential. Also, it simply drains you, mentally and physically. Anxiety and stress can affect your job, and your close relationships and limit your ability to fully experience life and the moment. Regardless of the source of your worries and anxiety (career, relationships, finances, health, etc.) or simply if it just happens with no apparent cause, the effects are adverse and accumulate over time. This diminished sense of control over your life may have driven you to some unhealthy coping strategies (e.g. self-medication, isolation, etc.), but, in the end, nothing seems to alleviate the stress and anxiety.
If you’re living through this, losing hope in your ability to tame the stress of your situation, I’m available for you to assist and assure you that we can work together to free yourself from this load of worry, pain, and anxiety. The goal is to live the life you deserve, living the moment to the fullest!
Stress affects Americans in a very significant way. A Gallup Poll shows that in the United States, about 55% of adults have experienced stress in a significant way compared to 35% globally (the global figure is still significant).
This stress is associated with worry, anxiety, and even anger! This ongoing stress and worry can sometimes contribute to a generalized state of anxiety. The concerning part is that only 43% of those being affected at this level are receiving treatment. Part of the problem is that we have “learned” that living with stress is normal and even part of being busy and successful.
We all experience changes in our lives. Of course, any negative change (e.g. divorce, relationship issues, financial, job, emotional problems, etc.) will have a negative effect. However, sometimes, even a “positive change” (job promotion, going to college, moving) results in unanticipated and unwanted anxiety and stress.
For example, according to the American College Health Association, 63% of students in the US felt overwhelming anxiety but only 23% are being treated. The sharpest increase relates to the initial transition to college. The same happens at times with a promotion or any other “positive change”. This can result in sleep disruption, excess caffeine, and substance use, difficulty concentrating, feeling on edge, etc. which can contribute to turning the “positive change” into a negative one.
Sometimes, however, anxiety just shows with no apparent reason or presence of stressors. This can be caused by a genetic tendency, underlying subconscious issues, or medical issues. In any case, regardless of the lack of an apparent cause, the effects are adverse.
Long-term effects of anxiety can cause your brain to release stress hormones on a regular basis. This can increase the frequency of certain symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and depression. Also, the extended presence of stress can affect the effectiveness of the immune system and be more susceptible to infections and illnesses.
Regardless of your source of anxiety or stress, the effects are significant and over time will compound. Each person has different manifestations or symptoms but, in the end, there is a loss in functioning, and importantly, our emotional life is negatively affected. This applies not only to adults but also to children.
For example, children who are anxious have difficulty understanding what’s happening to them and how to express it. Some common symptoms among children with anxiety could be being clingy, startling easily, crying or having tantrums, poor sleep, having headaches or stomachaches.
One concern relates to when people engage in unhealthy coping strategies to offset anxiety and stress. Sometimes, this drives some individuals to rely on substances (drinking or self-medicating) that end up compounding the problem. In the end, the effects of stress and anxiety are significant and should not be ignored to avoid becoming larger and more complex.
I know from my professional experience that this is a pervasive problem but that it can be contained or eliminated with the proper treatment and care. With my guidance and help, you can overcome these situations and start to enjoy your life and be fully present.
I offer you a calm and peaceful environment and approach to helping you rid of your anxiety symptoms. In our safe, calm space, we gather all the information and background relevant to your unique situation to better understand and be able to formulate the best treatment for you. By facilitating your sharing of your concerns and loads, we help you start feeling calmer and lighter. Also, separating issues will help us target each individually in a more manageable way and to feel less overwhelmed. In providing all important details, I will defer to you the ultimate control of what and when issues are discussed. You will direct the pace while I guide your process in an effective way.
Through our discussions, we’ll identify how anxiety and stress are affecting your life while we identify ways to minimize its impact. I’ll also work with you in being able to recognize and better manage emotional and physical sensations signals by providing practical tools (e.g. relaxation, clinical hypnosis, challenging unhealthy beliefs, etc.).
To me, you are a person who deserves to live your life worry-free (within reasonable levels) so you can attain your full potential, be happy, and share your joy with others. I’ll always try to meet your needs and help you build healthy coping strategies and live a balanced, healthy life that is in line with your style and values.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a proven treatment approach to anxiety. According to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CBT is a highly effective treatment that results in a 60% substantial improvement in anxiety symptoms.
Also, the results are obtained within weeks. The speed of results varies depending on the severity of the anxiety symptoms and stressors, and on the ability of the person to follow up on the treatment plan. Part of the CBT approach is to help identify behavioral changes that can help improve lifestyle in a short time frame (e.g. incorporating a healthy lifestyle such as exercise). Additionally, CBT targets our thoughts and beliefs to ensure that we adopt healthy beliefs and that we are able at times to reframe situations. As part of this, CBT deals with the “self-talk” we all have to ensure this is replaced with proper statements and beliefs, and that situations are appraised in a rational way.
As part of treatment, being able to relax through relaxation techniques and clinical hypnosis also adds an additional component necessary to bring anxiety and stress to more manageable levels. Also, guiding people through mindful meditation practices can become an additional tool in helping lower anxiety.
Medication is an option. However, many individuals prefer to adopt CBT therapists and avoid medications. Medications normally used for anxiety are anti-depressants and benzodiazepines (however, the latter may cause depression). In any case, medication would need to be assessed by your family physician or psychiatrist.
I’ve been working with people affected by stress and anxiety in different settings (clinical and private practice) from all walks of life. The goal is to help you re-establish your healthy pace and to be able to control, reduce, and eliminate unhealthy worries and stressors so you can achieve a happy life and feel calm. By working with a professional therapist and following up with treatment processes you can soon change your life to regain peace, hope, calmness, and happiness.
Let’s find ways to address your concerns. All it takes is for you to call me. I answer ALL calls myself (no staff, third party, or answering service). Your situation deserves a confidential, caring, and professional discussion to help determine the next steps, set an appointment, and begin a stress-free journey!
Let’s find ways to address your concerns. All it takes is for you to call me. I answer ALL calls myself (no staff, third party, or answering service). Your situation deserves a confidential, caring, and professional discussion to help determine the next steps, set an appointment, and begin a stress-free journey!