Seven key attitudes of mindfulness


What is Mindfulness?

The capacity to stay in the present moment and focus your thoughts on what is happening now is referred to as mindfulness. It is our ability to focus on the present moment rather than the past or the future so that our brain can relax and therefore we can be more efficient and happy. 

Mindfulness entails devoting whole attention to anything. It entails slowing down in order to fully appreciate what you’re doing. Rushing or multitasking are the polar opposites of being aware.

What are the seven mindfulness principles?

    • Non-judging. Be an impartial witness to your own experience…
    • Patience. A form of wisdom, patience demonstrates that we accept the fact that.
    • Beginner’s Mind. Remaining open and curious allows us to be receptive to new.
    • Trust. Develop a basic trust in yourself and your feelings…
    • Non-Striving…
    • Acceptance…
    • Letting Go.

What is the purpose of mindfulness?

The objective of mindfulness is to establish a perspective on one’s awareness and identity that can lead to better mental and relational harmony. Mindfulness may also be utilized in mindfulness-based therapies to alleviate stress, anxiety, or discomfort, as well as to just relax.

There are several methods for practicing mindfulness, but the objective of any mindfulness approach is to develop a state of awareness, and focused relaxation by paying attention to thoughts and sensations without judgment. This forces the mind to return to the present moment.



What exactly is the distinction between mindfulness and meditation?

One type of meditation is mindfulness. Mindfulness is one of the methods used in meditation to calm the mind or acquire a higher degree of consciousness. Mindfulness may be developed within or outside of formal meditation and weaved into any activity, such as going on a stroll or conversing.

Recognizing and retraining harmful thinking and behavior patterns are key components of cognitive behavioral therapy. It is predicated on the notion that your feelings, ideas, and deeds are intertwined.

In that it doesn’t dwell on the past, it incorporates elements of awareness. Instead, it focuses on understanding how your ideas and feelings can cause suffering and how to change your way of thinking and doing as a result.

It fosters contemplation and self-awareness, two crucial components of mindfulness.

CBT with a mindfulness component

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is another subset of CBT (MBCT). It combines cognitive therapy principles with meditation techniques to assist individuals in understanding the mental processes that contribute to negative moods, such as depression or anxiety disorders.

Benefits of mindfulness

  • Focus
  • Reduced worrying
  • Happiness in relationships
  • Improved working memory
  • Stress reduction
  • Substantially reduced tolerance to emotion
  • Increased mental flexibility
  • Other advantages. It has been demonstrated that mindfulness improves self-awareness, morality, intuition, and fear regulation—all mental processes connected to the middle prefrontal lobe of the brain. Additionally, research indicates that mindfulness meditation offers several physiological advantages, such as improved immunological function, better well-being, and a decrease in psychological discomfort. The practice of mindfulness meditation also seems to reduce task effort and having thoughts that are irrelevant to the work at hand, as well as speed up the processing of information.

The fundamentals of mindful productivity

How can you practice being more attentive throughout a tough workday? Things might get crazy. How may mindfulness practices be used at work? The good news is that mindfulness-based productivity may be achieved without daily meditation. There are a few ways you may incorporate mindfulness techniques into your workday to maximize your productivity and take care of your mental health.

Here are 9 guidelines for mindful productivity, along with resources for more reading.

  1. Get rid of concerns about the past and the future. Avoid getting caught up in thinking about your old job issues or worrying about the future. Yesterday’s exercise can help you get past a difficult memory at work, such as a disastrous project, and concentrate on the here and now.
  2. Watch how your ideas and feelings are operating. It is not my intention to evaluate your mental and emotional conditions. Instead, it’s about acknowledging them, embracing them, and getting through them so you may resume your productive activities. Simply notice the thoughts and feelings as they arise, then return your focus to the current work.
  3. Do not multitask. Multitasking is notoriously difficult for humans. But few individuals can afford to devote their full attention to one work until it is finished. Emails must be responded to promptly and customers must be assisted. To establish a balance between efficiency and responsiveness, use conscious context switching.
  4. Face your procrastination head-on. Having trouble getting motivated? Procrastination, which has biological foundations, is the outcome of a struggle between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex in our brains. To combat procrastination, one must first understand the emotions that drive it. Run a brief motivation clinic to identify the causes of your lack of motivation.
  5. Let the flow. You must strike the correct balance between the activity’s level of difficulty and your own skill set in order to enter a flow state. To remain calm and concentrated, set your goal, avoid outside distractions, breathe deeply, and maintain full attention.
  6. Become growth-oriented. If you have a growth mentality, you think that by working hard, you can increase your IQ and skill level. Better long-term performance and resilience are associated with a growth mindset. Examine your fixed mindset beliefs, such as “I can do arithmetic” or “She’s such a natural, I’d never be this good,” and apply the “not yet” approach by changing your statements like “I don’t know how to code” into “I don’t know how to code yet.”
  7. Apply metacognitive techniques. “Thinking about thinking” or “learning about learning” are examples of metacognition. Spend some time planning, monitoring, and analyzing your working and learning experiences rather than just plowing on mindlessly.
  8. Pay attention to the surroundings during work. It’s simple to just go into the office, or if you work from home, open your laptop, and get to work without giving your workplace any thought. Be aware of your workspace and how it influences your productivity. Is it crowded? Noisy? Keep in mind that none of these things are bad in and of themselves; some individuals actually feel more creative in chaotic, noisy settings. It all comes down to knowing what works for you and changing your surroundings as a result. You might be interested in learning more about environmental psychology if you’re fascinated by this subject.
  9. Take breaks to breathe. Instead of simply standing up to fetch a cup of coffee, take breaks to remind yourself to be aware of your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. 

Even though this may seem to be a lot to take in, the basics of mindful productivity are actually rather straightforward: be present, give your task your full attention, and be aware of your emotions, and work atmosphere. You will work better overall and be more creative and productive.

Are you considering in-person or online therapy?

Dr. Benejam, a qualified therapist, will be in touch with you within 48 hours of receiving your brief form. Telehealth might be used for treatments (video conference or phone).