7 Ways to Become More Positive

7 Ways to Become More Positive

Studies have shown that optimists are happier, healthier, more relaxed, and more resilient. They are better at coping with stress, achieving their goals, and persevering during challenging times.

They even have a longer lifespan and more successful relationships. Here are seven strategies to be more positive and optimistic if you want to gain the rewards of an optimistic mindset.

1. Challenge Your Negative Thoughts and Assumptions


It is possible to become more positive and upbeat by questioning negative thoughts and beliefs. According to Bridget Grenville-Cleave, an expert in positive psychology, optimists and pessimists have different perspectives on why negative events occur. Optimists usually consider these events as external, specific, and temporary, while pessimists tend to think of the cause as internal, all-encompassing, and long-lasting.

For instance, if a colleague had a negative reaction to something you said in a meeting, a pessimist might assume they don’t like or respect you, while an optimist would attribute it to them not having a good day. It is important to remember that negative occurrences do not have to be permanent and that negative reactions are not always directed at you.

We cannot assume that we are the center of someone else’s world and create judgments based on incomplete information. So, the next time you find yourself assuming the worst about someone or something, attempt to come up with facts to challenge your negative view. You may discover that there is additional evidence to support a positive assessment when you explore various optimistic interpretations of an event or encounter.


2. Look for the Good in People

It’s easy to dismiss someone if we focus on their flaws and obsess on the worst things they’ve ever done. But we don’t want to be characterized by our flaws or our lowest points. We should provide the same civility to others.

To constantly search for the positive rather than the bad. If a guy has ten excellent traits and one poor one, he should focus on the ten and ignore the one; and if a man has ten terrible qualities and one good quality, he should focus on the one and ignore the ten.”

We teach our thoughts to think more positively and enhance our opinions of others by practicing searching for the good in people.


3. Be Thankful for the Good Things That Happen Every Day

Aside from seeing the positive traits in others, we must also recognize and be grateful for the nice moments that occur every day.

Negativity and pessimism keep us from appreciating what is essential in life and from enjoying the present moment. Cultivating a grateful attitude puts us in a better mood and mindset to appreciate life’s benefits.

4. Surround Yourself With Positive People

It will be difficult to cultivate a more positive mindset if everyone around you is pessimistic. Diseases in the physical world are exceedingly contagious; similarly, characteristics of the spirit and soul are highly contagious.

The phrase “emotional contagion” is now used by scientists to describe the fast spread of emotions and actions. According to a 2016 article in U.S. News & World Report, “emotions may be spread more easily than common cold or flu – quicker than the blink of an eye!” You transform into the individuals you spend the most time with, so pick friends who have the attitude and attributes that you want to acquire.

5. Accept What You Can and Can’t Control

Some of you have probably heard the Serenity Prayer’s line: “God, grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change; courage to change what I can; and wisdom to recognize the difference.”

We spend much too much time obsessing on the past and what we can’t alter, rather than focusing our energy to effect good change. For example, you cannot control whether or not you receive the desired job offer, but you can manage your efforts, which will boost your chances of being recruited by a better firm.

It is also critical to distinguish between optimism and denial of major difficulties or unpleasant truths.

People may get through life by combining optimism and pragmatic thinking. No issue, realistic thinking does not imply never seeing the sunny side of life. It’s just a means to back up your optimism with practical actions so that you can create a great future rather than getting caught up in fantasy.


6. Focus on What You Want

We must have trust, be clear about what we want, and focus and happily imagine what we want to attract into our lives in order to build a happy future.

We frequently see the future in a negative light, anticipating events that may never occur. We are always concerned about what can happen, and we focus on an unreal reality, which means that we are also experiencing unreal sensations.

Whenever this occurs, our focus and energies are directed to assumptions rather than being where life truly happens: in the present moment. Anticipating the facts is pointless. Only in the here and now can we take action and overcome the problems we are experiencing one by one. Give in to the current moment.


7. Seek learning

Everything, absolutely everything, happens for a reason. Integrating this into your way of thinking is essential when dealing with any situation that arises. It is positive to think that the things that happen to us are neither good nor bad, they are perfect , because everything that happens to us always brings learning that will allow us to transcend difficulties and thus grow as people. Welcome the obstacles that you find on the way because they are opportunities to get to know yourself and prepare for what you have to live with.

Becoming an optimistic and positive person will definitely uplift you. Remember, that an important part of optimism is believing that you can make positive changes in this world and having faith that everything will work out for the best.